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Donate via PayPal and Give In-Kind via Amazon SmileWould you like to support NEPA Ski for Light and Sports for Health? Do you shop Now you can do both at the same time. Just log into Amazon Smile when you shop.
Your order will be credited to NEPA SFL/SFH, and the Amazon Smile Foundation will contribute a percentage of your purchase price to NEPA SFL/SFH. It’s quick, easy and simple.
Click here for the NEPA SFL/SFH Amazon Smile link
You can donate to the NEPA Regional SFL/SFH using a credit card.
Click on the Donate button below.
You can pay your program (SFL/SFH) deposits and fees using a credit card.
Click on the Buy Now button below.
You can now shop our needs list online at NEPA SFL/SFH Amazon Smile. Simply log into your smile account. Please remember to check the box “This is a gift” so Amazon will include your name and we can acknowledge your gift.
We have two Stand up Paddle-boards that are used on lakes and ponds during Sports for Health. Visually-impaired participants enjoy using the boards independently (both standing or kneeling) with verbal directions given by Sighted guides close by either on land or on water. We are asking for 2 new paddles on the Amazon wish list as one of the paddle handles is broken.
Northeastern Pennsylvania Regional Sports for Health is a 501-C3 non profit organization.
We rely on private donations and small fundraising events.